Looking back, looking ahead
It's been quite the year. As I reflect back on the past 12 months, I feel so privileged and honored to have a career where people are willing to share their own personal stories, their hopes and goals, in some instances, their fears and insecurities. All of that said, I'm cognizant of the space I occupy as a journalist -- and a male, white, cisgender one at that -- and how crucial it is to give space to voices that aren't mine to share their own stories and do that with empathy, sensitivity and *most importantly* with respect. I also know there is always room for me to grow, improve, learn and be better at what I do. I wanted to spotlight a few of the countless people I feel so honored were willing to share their stories with me this year:
** Shyronn Jones and Maria Mejia -- advocates and activists working for more awareness around and resources directed to women living with HIV.
** 'Ramone' and 'Mark' who shared their experiences as members of the LGBTQ community who have lived with substance use disorders.
** Bruce Richman and Prevention Access Campaign for raising awareness around #UequalsU.
** Elizabeth Suda of Article 22 for discussing her company's commitment to empowering artisans in Laos who are making fashion out of the ravages of an unjust war that still plague their countryside a half century later.
** A personal idol of mine -- Katie Couric -- and the people at CancerCare for highlighting the experiences of cancer caregivers in helping their loved ones through cancer diagnoses.
** Dr. Bin He, researcher at Carnegie Mellon University, whose development of a "mind-controlled" prosthetic arm could have implications for helping people living with paralysis and movement disorders.
** Also, wanted to send a shoutout to all of the public/media relations people who helped make many of these stories possible.
**Shoutout to my editors at Healthline, Engadget and Barron's PENTA who gave me the opportunity to spotlight all of these stories.
One final 👏 👏 to some of my journalist friends I'm always so proud to know and whose work continues to show just how crucial Freedom of the Press is today and always: Sheila V Kumar, Yumi Araki, Diana Falzone and Graham Kates + many many many many more! Happy New Year ❤️ ❤️ - B